Goodbye yesterday
I’m living in the light of a new day
I won’t waste another minute
In my old ways
Praise the Lord
I’ve been born again



Again and again
And again and again
You rescued me out
Of the mess I was in
Traded my sorrow for
something to sing
Now I’m dancing on the grave
That I once lived in


Goodbye yesterday
I’m living in the light of a new day
I won’t waste another minute
In my old ways
Praise the Lord I’ve been born again


Goodbye yesterday
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
I’ve got resurrection in my veins
Praise the Lord I’ve been born


Again and again
And again and again
You rescued me out
Of the mess I was in
You traded my sorrow
for something to sing
Now I’m dancing on the grave
That I once lived in


Again and again
And again and again
You rescued me out
Of the mess I was in
You traded my sorrow
for something to sing
Now I’m dancing on the grave
That I once lived in



I have decided
To follow Jesus
The world behind
The cross before
And I won’t turn back
I have decided
To follow Jesus
The world behind
The cross before
And I won’t turn back


I won’t turn back
I won’t turn back
I won’t turn back
I won’t turn back
The world behind
The cross before
And I won’t turn back


Again and again
And again and again
You rescued me out
Of the mess I was in
You traded my sorrow for
something to sing
Now I’m dancing on the grave
That I once lived in


Again and again
And again and again
You rescued me out
Of the mess I was in
You traded my sorrow
for something to sing
Now I’m dancing on the grave
That I once lived in


Praise the Lord
I’ve been born
Praise the Lord
I’ve been born again


Now I’m dancing on the grave
That I once lived in
Now I'm dancing on the grave
That I once lived in


Dancing on the grave
That I once lived in
Dancing on the grave
That I once lived in
Dancing on the grave
That I once lived in
Dancing on the grave


Now I'm dancing on the grave
That I once lived in
Dancing on the grave
That I once lived in
Dancing on the grave
That I once lived in
Praise the Lord
I’ve been born again


GOODBYE YESTERDAY - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

"Goodbye Yesterday" by Elevation Rhythm is a powerful anthem of transformation and renewal, echoing the biblical promise of a new life in Christ. The song's lyrics resonate with the words of the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!" This verse speaks to the heart of the song's message, emphasizing the profound change that comes with accepting Christ into our lives.


The song's chorus, "Goodbye yesterday, I'm living in the light of a new day," mirrors the sentiment of Paul's words. It's a declaration of leaving behind the old self, the past mistakes, and stepping into a new life illuminated by Christ's love and grace. The lyrics, "I won't waste another minute in my old ways, Praise the Lord, I've been born again," further echo the biblical concept of rebirth and transformation found in John 3:3, where Jesus says, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again."


The verses of the song recount the repeated rescues and the trading of sorrow for joy, reflecting the biblical narrative of God's relentless pursuit and redemption of His people. This is reminiscent of Psalm 30:11, "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy." The song's bridge, "I have decided to follow Jesus, the world behind, the cross before, and I won't turn back," is a powerful affirmation of commitment to Christ, reminiscent of Luke 9:62, where Jesus says, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."


The song's refrain, "Now I'm dancing on the grave that I once lived in," is a vivid metaphor for the victory over sin and death that we have in Christ, echoing Romans 6:4, "We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life."


As we reflect on the lyrics of "Goodbye Yesterday" and the corresponding biblical passages, we are reminded of the transformative power of Christ's love and the promise of a new life in Him. This leads us to a thought-provoking question: How are we living out this new life in Christ? Are we truly leaving our old ways behind and embracing the light of a new day? This is a question that calls for deep introspection and a renewed commitment to live in the light of Christ's love and grace.