In the grieving and in the
The dawn is breaking on our
third day
And in a moment comes
the message
Shouted breathless,
our King is raised


Have you heard the news, that
veil is torn in two
And what we could not reach we
are now able to
Have you heard the news, death is
hollow now
'Cause the grave you've
feared has
been emptied out


And in our upper room
He is here and we can see
How the scars on His hands
and feet
Tell the great defeat of
our en - emy


Have you heard the news, that
veil is torn in two
And what we could not reach we
are now able to
Have you heard the news, death is
hollow now
'Cause the grave you've
feared has
been emptied out


'Cause with His blood in the soil
and thorns in His head
He ripped all the power and the
fear out of death
With His arms stretched out on
the breadth of the cross
In undefeatable life
He was covering us


Have you heard the news, that
veil is torn in two
And what we could not reach we
are now able to
Have you heard the news, death is
hollow now
'Cause the grave you've
feared has
been emptied out



One day, face to face
we'll see with our eyes
What once took faith
we're gonna touch heaven
We're gonna touch
heaven with our hands
One day, face to face
we'll see with our eyes
What once took faith
we're gonna touch heaven
We're gonna touch
heaven with our hands


We're gonna touch heaven
We're gonna touch heaven
We're gonna touch heaven
We're gonna touch heaven


'Cause with His blood in the soil
and thorns in His head
He ripped all the power and the
fear out of death
With His arms stretched out on
the breadth of the cross
In undefeatable life
He was covering us


With His blood in the soil
and thorns in His head
He ripped all the power and the
fear out of death
With His arms stretched out on
the breadth of the cross
In undefeatable life
He was covering us


Death Is Hollow - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

"Death is Hollow" by Bethel Music is a powerful song that echoes the triumphant message of the Gospel. It speaks of the victory of Christ over death, the tearing of the veil that separated us from God, and the promise of a future where we will see God face to face. 

The song's lyrics resonate with the words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:55-57, "Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." The song and this scripture both celebrate the victory of Christ over death, a victory that we share in as believers. 

The song also echoes the words of Matthew 27:51, "At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom." This verse speaks of the moment of Jesus' death, when the veil in the temple, which separated the Holy of Holies - the earthly dwelling place of God's presence - from the rest of the temple was torn in two. This was a physical manifestation of the spiritual reality that through Christ's death, the barrier between God and humanity was removed. We, who were once unable to reach God because of our sin, are now able to approach Him freely because of Christ's sacrifice.

The song's bridge, "With His blood in the soil and thorns in His head, He ripped all the power and the fear out of death," is a vivid depiction of Christ's crucifixion. It reminds us of the price He paid to secure our victory over death and sin. This aligns with the words of Colossians 2:15, "And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."

The song concludes with a refrain that looks forward to the day when we will see God face to face, a promise found in 1 Corinthians 13:12, "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." This is the hope that we hold onto as believers, the hope that one day we will be in the presence of God, seeing Him as He truly is.

As we reflect on the lyrics of "Death is Hollow" and the corresponding scriptures, we are reminded of the victory we have in Christ, the access we now have to God, and the hope of a future in His presence. But it also prompts us to ask ourselves: How does this victory, this access, this hope, shape our lives today? How does it influence our choices, our attitudes, our relationships? How does it impact the way we face challenges, disappointments, and even death itself? 

In the light of Christ's victory, may we live lives that reflect the hope we have in Him, lives that touch heaven even as we walk the earth.