I believe there is one salvation
One doorway that leads to life
One redemption one confession
I believe in the name of Jesus



I believe in the crucifixion
By His blood I have been set free
I believe in the resurrection
Hallelujah His life is death’s


All praise to God the Father
All praise to Christ the Son
All praise to the Holy Spirit
Our God has overcome
The King who was
And is and evermore will be
In Jesus mighty name I believe



I believe in the hope of heaven
He’s preparing a place for me
Far beyond what hearts imagine
Ears have heard or eyes have seen


I believe that a day is coming
He’s returning to claim His bride
Light the altar keep it burning
See the Lamb who rose a roaring


All praise to God the Father
All praise to Christ the Son
All praise to the Holy Spirit
Our God has overcome
The King who was
And is and evermore will be
In Jesus mighty name I believe



No I’ll never be ashamed
Of the gospel of Jesus Christ
How could I ever walk away
From the One who saved my life
No I’ll never be ashamed
Of the gospel of Jesus Christ
How could I ever walk away
From the One who saved my life
No I’ll never be ashamed
Of the gospel of Jesus Christ
How could I ever walk away
From the One who saved my life


All praise to God the Father
All praise to Christ the Son
All praise to the Holy Spirit
Our God has overcome
The King who was
And is and evermore will be
In Jesus mighty name I believe


All praise to God the Father
All praise to Christ the Son
All praise to the Holy Spirit
Our God has overcome
The King who was
And is and evermore will be
In Jesus mighty name I believe


In Jesus mighty name I believe


I Believe - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

As we delve into the lyrics of Phil Wickham's "I Believe," we are reminded of the profound truths that form the bedrock of our faith. The song echoes the sentiments of John 14:6, where Jesus declares, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." This verse, like the song, affirms the singular path to salvation, the doorway that leads to life, found only in Jesus Christ.


The song's second verse, "I believe in the crucifixion, By His blood I have been set free," resonates with Romans 5:8, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." The lyrics and the verse both emphasize the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice, His resurrection, and the victory over death, a theme echoed in 1 Corinthians 15:55-57.


The chorus of the song is a beautiful trinity of praise to God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This mirrors the biblical teaching of the Holy Trinity, as seen in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."


The bridge of the song, "No I’ll never be ashamed, Of the gospel of Jesus Christ," is a powerful declaration of faith, reminiscent of Romans 1:16, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes."


The song and these scriptures remind us of the core tenets of our faith: the singular path to salvation through Jesus Christ, the power of His sacrifice and resurrection, the unity of the Holy Trinity, and the unashamed proclamation of the Gospel.


As we reflect on these truths, let us ask ourselves: How do these foundational beliefs shape our daily lives? How do they influence our decisions, our relationships, and our understanding of the world? And most importantly, how can we live in a way that truly reflects our belief in the name of Jesus Christ, the One who saved our lives? Let us ponder these questions as we continue to listen, sing, and believe.