You do everything on purpose
I can feel your Spirit stirring
I’ve been praying You’ve been
working, working it all for good


So fan the flame and keep it burning
You’re refining in the furnace
All the waiting will be worth it
Cause you’re working it all for


Miracle after miracle
Open door after open door
Here it comes
So get ready for another one
Cause another one is on the way
Miracle after miracle
Open door after open door
Here it comes
So get ready for another one
Cause another one is on the way



Rushing wind and living water
God of signs and God of wonders
If you will it what can stop it
You’re working it all for good
Yea you’re working it all
for good


Miracle after miracle
Open door after open door
Here it comes
So get ready for another one
Cause another one is on the way
Miracle after miracle
Open door after open door
Here it comes
So get ready for another one
Cause another one is on the way


Another one
Another one
Another one is on the way
Another one
Another one
Another one is on the way



If He told the sun
When to rise And it did
He will again
And if He told the storm
To be still
And it did
He will again
And if He told the sea
Where to split
And it did
He will again
And if He told the walls
When to fall
And they did
He will again


And if He told the chains
When to break
And they did
He will again
And if He told the bones
Come alive
And they did
He will again
And if He told the stone
Roll away
And it did
He will again
And if He told the grave
Let him go
And it did
He will again


And again and again and again
And again and again and again
Cause another one is on the way


Miracle after miracle
Open door after open door
Here it comes
So get ready for another one
Cause another one is on the way
Miracle after miracle
Open door after open door
Here it comes
So get ready for another one
Cause another one is on the way


And if He told the chains
When to break
And they did
He will again
And if He told the bones
Come alive
And they did
He will again
And if He told the stone
Roll away
And it did
He will again
And if He told the grave
Let him go
And it did
He will again


And again and again and again
And again and again and again


Cause another one is on the way

Another One - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

The song "Another One" by Elevation Worship is a powerful anthem of faith, a testament to the unwavering belief in God's purposeful work in our lives. It echoes the sentiment found in Romans 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This verse, like the song, reminds us that God is always at work, even when we can't see it, even when we're in the furnace of trials and tribulations. He is refining us, preparing us for the miracles and open doors that are on the way.


The lyrics of the song beautifully intertwine with the story of the Israelites in Exodus. Just as God told the sea where to split and the walls of Jericho when to fall, He is still speaking into our lives today. He is still performing miracles, still opening doors, still making a way where there seems to be no way. The song's bridge, "And if He told the chains when to break, and they did, He will again," resonates with the promise in Isaiah 43:19, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."


The song and these scriptures remind us that God is not a God of the past, but a God of the now and the future. He is still in the business of performing miracles, of opening doors, of making a way. He is still speaking, still moving, still working all things for our good. And just as He did for the Israelites, He will do for us. He will again.


As we reflect on this song and these scriptures, let's ask ourselves: Do we truly believe that God is working all things for our good? Do we trust that He is preparing us for the miracles and open doors that are on the way? And are we ready to step into the new thing He is doing in our lives? Because, as the song declares, another one is on the way.