The sun was darkened and
The heavens thundered
For a moment death had thought
it had conquered
But it wasn't over ‘til You
said, it’s over
Your Word is greater still


The perfect sacrifice,
Your body broken
As You restored to us
what sin had stolen
Once and for all You tore the
veil wide open
Your Word is greater still


All praise, all praise
To the name above all names
Jesus, You reign
You're the name above all names



You turned the grave into
a new beginning
Our God is risen, You’re
alive and breathing
There’s nothing that can rise
against Your victory
Your name is higher still
Your name is higher still


All praise, all praise
To the name above all names
Jesus, You reign
You're the name above all names



The cross still stands
the blood still flows
The work is finished
and hell still knows
The grave is still empty
The stone is still rolled
And You’re still high and lifted up
You’re still seated on the throne


The cross still stands
the blood still flows
The work is finished
and hell still knows
The grave is still empty
The stone is still rolled
And You’re still high and lifted up
You’re still seated on the throne


All praise, all praise
To the name above all names
Jesus, You reign
You're the name above all names


Hal - le -lu -jah
Every voice will proclaim, there
is no higher name
Hal - le -lu -jah
Age to age we will sing, there
is no higher name


Hal -le -lujah
Every voice will proclaim,
there is no higher name
Hal -le -lujah
Age to age we will sing


All praise, all praise
To the name above all names
Jesus, You reign
You're the name above all names


You're the name above all names
You're the name above all names


Name Above All Names - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

As we delve into the profound lyrics of "Name Above All Names" by Charity Gayle, we are reminded of the powerful narrative of Jesus Christ's sacrifice and resurrection. The song echoes the sentiments found in Philippians 2:9-11, "Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


The song's first verse speaks of the moment when the sun was darkened, and the heavens thundered, a vivid depiction of the crucifixion scene. This imagery is reminiscent of Luke 23:44-45, "It was now about noon, and darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon, for the sun stopped shining." The song then transitions to the triumphant resurrection, mirroring the biblical account in Luke 24:6, "He is not here; he has risen!"


The chorus of the song, "All praise all praise, To the name above all names, Jesus You reign, ‘Cause You're the name above all names," is a powerful affirmation of faith, a declaration of Jesus' supremacy. This resonates with the scripture in Romans 14:11, "For it is written: 'As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.'"


The song's bridge, "The cross still stands, The blood still flows, The work is finished, And hell still knows, The grave is still empty, The stone is still rolled, And You’re still high and lifted up, You’re still seated on the throne," is a testament to the enduring power of Christ's sacrifice and victory over death, echoing the words in Revelation 1:18, "I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades."


As we reflect on the lyrics of this song and the corresponding scriptures, we are reminded of the power, majesty, and love embodied in the name of Jesus. We are called to acknowledge and praise His name, recognizing His sacrifice and the victory He won for us. 


Now, let's pause for a moment of reflection. How does the understanding of Jesus as the 'Name above all Names' influence your daily life? How does this understanding shape your interactions, decisions, and your overall perspective on life? As we continue to sing praises to the name above all names, may we also strive to live in a way that reflects His love and sacrifice.