We lift our hands to the heavens
We are here for You
We reach for the hem of Your
We know what it can do
We know what it can do


We refuse to go through
the motions
When the King is in the room
Hear the sound of our devotion
Let it build a throne for You
Let it build a throne for You


Let everything that has breath
Praise, Praise
Let everything that has breath
Praise, Praise
Let everything that has breath
Sing a new song to the Lord
Oh let our praises roar
Praise, Praise
We praise the Lord



We’ve come to pour out oil
Just to wash our Savior’s feet
Every drop from every bottle
Can’t compare to Your glory
We refuse to bring an offering
That doesn’t cost us anything
Cause You’re worth everything


Let everything that has breath
Praise, Praise
Let everything that has breath
Praise, Praise
Let everything that has breath
Sing a new song to the Lord
Oh let our praises roar
Praise, Praise
We praise the Lord


We praise the Lord


If it’s kneeling in reverence
Or it’s dancing with joy
We’ll sing songs never ending
We love to bring You praise
If it’s face down before You
Or a victory shout
With our hands raised to heaven
We love to bring You praise
You’re the God of Salvation
You’re the Great I Am
You’re the Alpha Omega
We love to bring You


Praise, Praise
Praise, Praise
Let everything that has breath


Praise, Praise
Let everything that has breath
Praise, Praise
Let everything that has breath
Sing a new song to the Lord
Oh let our praises roar
Praise, Praise
We praise the Lord


We praise the Lord
We praise the Lord

Everything That Has Breath (Praise) - In the Bible [Verses & Devotional]

As we delve into the lyrics of "Everything That Has Breath (Praise)" by Jesus Culture, we are reminded of the Biblical call to worship found in Psalm 150:6, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." This song, like the Psalm, is an invitation to all creation to join in a chorus of praise to our Creator, our Savior, our King. 


The song begins with a declaration of our intent to worship, "We lift our hands to the heavens, we are here for You." This echoes the sentiment found in Psalm 63:4, "So I will bless You as long as I live; in Your name, I will lift up my hands." The act of lifting our hands is a physical manifestation of our spiritual surrender, a sign of our readiness to receive from God and our recognition of His sovereignty.


The lyrics continue, "We reach for the hem of Your garment, we know what it can do." This brings to mind the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5:27-29. She reached out in faith, touching the hem of Jesus' garment, and was healed. Like her, we reach out in faith, knowing that even the slightest touch from Jesus can bring healing, deliverance, and transformation.


The song also speaks of refusing to go through the motions and instead offering a sacrifice of praise that costs us something. This resonates with David's words in 2 Samuel 24:24, "I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing." True worship requires sacrifice, it requires us to give of ourselves, our time, our resources, and our hearts.


The bridge of the song declares, "You're the God of Salvation, You're the Great I Am, You're the Alpha Omega, We love to bring You praise." This is a powerful affirmation of who God is, reminiscent of Revelation 1:8, "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." Our praise is not just about what God does, but about who He is.


As we reflect on these lyrics and the corresponding scriptures, we are challenged to examine the depth and authenticity of our worship. Are we merely going through the motions, or are we offering a sacrifice of praise that truly costs us something? Are we reaching out in faith, believing in the power of Jesus to transform our lives? Are we praising God not just for what He does, but for who He is?


Let's take a moment to ponder this: How can we make our worship more than just a routine, but a genuine expression of our love and reverence for God? How can we ensure that our praise is not just about what God does for us, but a recognition of who He is - the Alpha and Omega, the God of our salvation, the Great I Am? Let's strive to let every breath we take be a testament of praise to our Lord.